Our story

We are very fortunate to live in Cornwall, but the roots of Wellydog started in a craft centre in North Somerset. It was small beginnings, Mrs Wellydog had a little studio on the end of a 16th century barn, where she sold her art and taught. Mr Wellydog joined the business, in 2014, and we moved to Cornwall. We expanded and moved twice.
We now work from our lovely studio by our home in South East Cornwall.

Why Wellydog?

We are old enough to have seen the introduction of home computers and the first personal emails. For those of you who remember, then picking an email address was difficult, as most names had already been taken. The suggestion at the time was to put your name with a number after it but that didn’t appeal.  I tried loads of different versions of my name and was getting quite frustrated, so Mr Wellydog suggested using our dogs name. Our dog at the time was called Wellington Boots, Welly for short , so Wellydog was born. Years later when I established the business and moved into a local craft centre, the idea of thinking of a name and getting a new email address seemed too stressful, so I just continued as Wellydog, and the rest as they say is history.

Mr and Mrs Wellydog

We are Janice and Steve, we have been married for over 40 years and in that time we have become a good team. We divide jobs equally ….. Mrs WD is the creative person and Mr WD does everything else.

Wellydog Apprentices

This is our daughter Gemma. I don’t know why shes still an apprentice, as she is very good with customers, and helps at all the craft shows and fairs. We would promote her, but then we might have to pay her!

Our grandchildren have recently been promoted to junior apprentices. In the holidays they came and helped us when we had the shop

Silent Partner

Fin is our collie. He recently been unwellt after having a spinal stroke, but he loves getting out on his new wheels and he motivates us to get out, and generally keeps an eye on us. He likes to help us around the studio x


Unfortunately Fins front legs deteriorated and we lost him in March 2023 . I can’t bring myself to delete him off our page as he was very much part of the wellydog story .